Waste Heat Recovery Boiler, IBR Boilers ( WHRB ), Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Pune, India, Majorly We Serve Our Products In Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
We provide Waste Heat Recovery Boilers ( WHRB ) / Steam Generators on Natural Gas / Bio Gas /HFO /FO/ HSD based Engines/Turbines and Waste heat coming from different processes like GLASS Furnace exhaust, Melting Furnaces Exhaust, Cement Waste Gases. The Huge Power Cost Hike and increase of power demand in Industry segment we all has to take each and every chance to trap the waste heat and generate steam possibly for Combined Power Plant or for process steam application. The waste heat recovery project is viable only depending on the investment recovery period. We THERMIN ENERGY are very well known this fact and are designing/manufacturing/supplying the systems which gets maximum possible monetory outputs and in minimum time frame. THERMIN ENERGY offers Smoke Tube and Water tube Boilers for such applications. The Systems offering are totally customized turnkey solutions.